Green business to reduce 26 million tons of CO2 by 2060: Pertamina
JAKARTA, Nov 7, 2022 – (ACN Newswire via – Pertamina is expecting its green business of new and renewable energy (NRE) to be able to meet its target of reducing 26 million tons of CO2 by 2060, higher than its 2030 target of 11 million tons of CO2 reduction.
“Pertamina targets New Renewable Energy (NRE) capacity to reach 60GW from solar, hydro, wind power and geothermal, to be able to meet 15 percent market share in 2060,” the company’s President Director and CEO Nicke Widyawati said in a panel discussion of COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, on Sunday (November 6).
It also has a battery production capacity of up to 80 GWh, and sales of 800,000 two-wheel electric vehicles with 1.5 TWh charging station in 2060, as well as an increase in hydrogen energy with an optimal capacity of 3 MTPA.
Through the development of the green refinery, Pertamina is committed to increasing the production capacity of biofuels from the current 3,000 bpd to 200,000 bpd in 2060 by focusing on hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) and hydro-processed esters and fatty acids (HEFA).
“We are also targeting to be able to produce up to 600,000 bpd of B30 and A20 by 2060,” Widyawati noted.
Considering Indonesia’s potential for large carbon capture storage which is estimated to reach about 80 gigatonnes to 400 gigatonnes of C02, Pertamina is eyeing such potential to be a new business of oil and gas.
“And the majority (of carbon capture storage) are onshore, so we have a competitive advantage compared to other countries in the region,” she concluded.
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At the United Nations Climate Change Conference or COP27 Sharm El-Sheikh, Indonesia voiced various actions, strategies, innovations and achievements as a concrete manifestation of leading climate action to prevent global temperature increases.
Through soft diplomacy, the Pavilion Indonesia displays the policies and concrete results of previous work, as well as paving the way for future climate ambitions together with relevant parties.
“Multilateral, collective and integrated action is needed as the only way to overcome a real global threat. We must maintain the spirit of collaboration at COP27,” Indonesian Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya stated in her speech at the opening of the Pavilion Indonesia during the COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Sunday.
In recent decades, governments have shared climate change responsibilities with academia, business, civil society organizations and others.
However, the practice of climate change mitigation and adaptation sometimes experiences challenges and limitations, such as the decision-making process influenced by politics as well as disputes due to the priority interests of socio-economy and environment.
“Sometimes this becomes a paradox, a form of discrepancy in social relevance, so that policies are less effective into action. Therefore, joint action on climate change requires leaders to guide action,” Nurbaya said.
Under the theme of Stronger Climate Actions Together, Pavilion Indonesia reflects the mission carried out by Indonesian delegation to take urgent action in combating climate change and its impacts, as mandated by goal number 13 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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Contact: Fajriyah Usman, VP Corporate Communications, PT Pertamina (Persero)
M: +62 858 8330 8686, Email:, URL:
Written by: Yashinta Difa Pramudyani, Editor: Fardah Assegaf (c) ANTARA 2022
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